upcoming workshops.

it’s time to get weird

Over the last decade, Steph Strauss has set 5 intentions and dug deep into her own belief systems. In doing so, she manifested each of these intentions into her life and on a larger scale than she imagined. Now it’s time for her to share it with the world.


intention setting workshop

Are you ready to take life into your own hands and learn tools to live the life you’ve always known you deserve? The Intention Setting Workshop will provide you with tools and support to begin setting intentions for yourself so you can see them manifest into your life. Since Steph has set 5 specific intentions for her life, over 20+ opportunities have transpired. The power intention is real.

How to Bring Mindfulness Into Your Everyday Life
How to Start and Keep a Daily Mindfulness Practice
The Science Behind Intention Setting & Why It Works
Steph’s Personal Intention Setting Journey
How to Set and Manifest Your Intention

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Are you ready to let go of your internal limiting beliefs to live the life you KNOW in your heart that you deserve? Our limiting beliefs can hold us back from the dream job we want, the vacation we have been wanting to take or from having deep connections with others. This workshop is here to help you uncover these belief systems and leave with tools to help you overcome them.

Welcoming Opening Meditation
Understanding Limiting Beliefs & How They Hold Us Back
How Limiting Beliefs Develop & How Steph Overcame Them
4 Steps to Recognize Your Own Limiting Beliefs (Power of Pause)
5 Steps to Overcome Your Limiting Beliefs Worksheet
Closing Calming Breath Meditation

10 ways to manifest your intention

leave your email to download the pdf freebie!


There are no upcoming events at this time.