I teach you how to understand the language of your body through somatic movement

LIVE PRACTICE most Wednesdays + Saturdays in the Zoom room or check out the on-demand library

The RSI Method Comes in 3 different class types

1. RSI Method

//Embodied Movement Practice

This method is more than just fitness - it’s where your heart, attention and physical body come together through physical movement, vocal release and breathing practices! You can expect mindful movement, meditation, dancing, shaking, vocalizing, praying, chanting, screaming, moaning, roaring and even tears of much needed cathartic release.

2. RSI flow to freedom

//Embodied Yoga Practice

This practice will be a play between form, formless and freedom AND not your typical yoga class. When you give yourself time and space to be present with what is, you get to really practice tuning into your own inner wisdom that already lives inside of you. A practice to get INTO your feeling body and out of your thinking mind all through the lens of curiosity and love.

3. RSI restore

//Embodied + Gentle + Grounding + Intuitive

Learn to REST IN MOVEMENT as you meet yourself exactly where you are with your own loving attention. No forcing, no pushing, no hurrying, no getting it right or figuring it out. Simply an opportunity to be slow, oh so sweet and restorative.

My promise and vow to you

How you show up in The RSI Method is a direct reflection of how you show up in life. This practice will guide you toward a more truthful expression of yourself by becoming more in tune with the wisdom of your own body. When you surrender to this method with curiosity and wonder, you begin to unlock the wisdom, potential and strength that are already within you.

My mission is to help you learn to prioritize yourself, build confidence, find calm in the chaos and guide you to finding safety within you.

Steph will provide you with tools to keep your heart open, speak your truth and fall madly in love with yourself.

  • Hear what the global community is saying about the rsi method

    I gave the gift of breathing, moving and dancing with Steph to myself a couple of weeks ago but haven’t been able to capture all the ways she and her RSI Method touched me. I’ll sum the hour up by saying Steph’s heart work helped to expand my own heart. I do yoga, I dance, I breathe…I do all the things, but encouraged, supported and cheered on by her and the others that Saturday shifted me in a beautiful and expansive way. In one class.

    Connie O. | Canada

  • Hear what the global community is saying about the rsi method

    I loved the combination of structure and freedom. Steph did a beautiful job of holding sacred, safe space while also giving us permission to have our own journey in our bodies. I immediately felt my body and emotions open up. I cried. I cleared a bunch of energetic gunk. I was really sweaty. It was everything I needed. Simple yet profoundly deep. I look forward to doing this practice again soon.

    Marty M. | Vermont

  • Hear what the global community is saying about the rsi method

    That class was exactly what I needed. What I have always needed. What my sweet, tender heart needed was to be found and seen by ME. My body needs this more than my HIIT, weights…it needed this, “love, acceptance, encouragement as it is without shame.” Thank you dear soul.

    Kelly M. | Florida

  • Hear what the global community is saying about the rsi method

    If you’re reading this review, please take it as a sign to join us for the next class! You will not regret it. For me, this is a practice in listening to my body and my heart and tending to my needs with the utmost tenderness and care. It’s so fun. Do it, do it, do it! See you there!

    Allison W. | Chicago, IL

  • Hear what the global community is saying about the rsi method

    LOVE everything about the RSI Method. It's such an authentic and raw experience; laced with structure, challenge, freedom and SO much self-love. It's different. It's fun. It feels good to feel my body; internally, externally and spiritually as we share in community and practice being human together.

    Katie A. | Tucson, AZ

  • Hear what the global community is saying about the rsi method

    Steph holds a safe space for us to explore all parts of us. Using movement, breath and our voice, not through our minds, but through our body and our hearts, which brings us to the present moment. I am so grateful for her gentle way of leading the class where she invites us to follow the practice and to always be open and receptive to hearing what feels genuine to us.

    Vanessa V. | Spain

  • Hear what the global community is saying about the rsi method

    OMG!! I can't wait to go to another RSI Method again! Stephanie facilitated the class so beautifully, catering to all different levels and experiences. She held beautiful space for healing and expression. Thank you for an amazing experience!!

    Victoria S. | Palm Springs, CA

  • Hear what the global community is saying about the rsi method

    My first session with Steph, what a fantastic way to release tension and anger. Steph is fantastic at guiding you through her methods - I’ll be back 🙏🏼

    Dawn W. | England

  • Hear what the global community is saying about the rsi method

    Thank you for a beautiful session today. It was exactly what I needed to move through after a rough week. The hour was an exquisite journey of movement, release, emotions, a little adult temper tantrum, and feeling so safe and held to express it all. I am so grateful for Steph and the RSI method. My self love and body appreciation has grown so much from this practice. Truly, I feel renewed. Thank you and love you.

    Jorie H. | Chicago, IL

oh hi there! i am steph, creator of the rsi method,

It is so great that you have found your way here.

I am a Chicago-Based, Trauma-Informed, Embodied Movement and Mindfulness Facilitator and Creator of The RSI Method. RSI is a practice of putting “the body first” so you can learn to listen to the body’s wisdom. The invitation is to come to your practice without expecting an outcome or result, such as, being good at it, losing weight, forcing or pushing your body. You will be guided through yoga, dance, conscious movement, strength training, breath practices and vocal releases all through glimpses of structure, structured freedom and complete freedom.

The RSI Method is a practice you can only do right as long as you keep your body free from self harm.

With a continued RSI practice, you begin to connect to your own innate wisdom and power to trust and embrace all the mystery, mess and magic that your life has to offer.

You can join our global community and practice virtually with us most Wednesdays and Saturdays in the Zoom room. All levels are welcome. You can find the live schedule HERE. Can’t join us live? Check out the on-demand library HERE.

I have been facilitating yoga, movement, meditation, mindfulness and fitness classes since 2016. In my 7+ years of teaching, I have had the privilege of working with a wide range of students from 2 - 74 years old.

I am here to be an inspiration to you, show you what else is possible when you prioritize yourself and provide you with tools to keep your heart open, speak your truth and fall madly in love with YOU!

Certifications + Qualifications:

  • 400hr Registered Yoga Teacher (2012, 2018)

  • Yoga Sculpt Instructor (2016)

  • Mindfulness Meditation Facilitator (2019)

  • Reiki Level 1 Attunement (2019)

  • 8-Week MBSR Certification (2020)

  • Mental Health First Aid Certification (2022)

  • Basic Principles of Somatic Experiencing Certification (2022)

  • Somatic Experiencing Beginning I (March 2023)

  • Somatic Experiencing Beginning II (July 2023)

  • Somatic Experiencing Beginning III (October 2023)

  • One Month Lam Rim Meditation Course (November 2023)

  • Somatic Experiencing Intermediate I (February 2024)

  • How to Conquer PMS, Endometriosis, PCOS and Uterine Fibroids Course (April 2024)

  • Somatic Experiencing Intermediate II (June 2024)

My teachings and practices are a blend of Tibetan Buddhism, Mindfulness, Meditation, Yoga, Somatic Experiencing, Embodiment, Dance, Prayer and Intuitive Movement.

A big part of The RSI Method is honoring my lineage. Without my teachers, this method would not exist. Allow me to introduce my incredible teachers that have inspired me to create The RSI Method. Dea Parsanishi, Dr. Peter Levine, Ariel Giarretto, Moun D’Simone, Sah D’Simone, The Class by Taryn Toomey, Amber Ryan and Kate Shela of 360 Emergence, Gabrielle Roth’s 5Rhythms, Khen Rinpoche Geshe Chonyi, Venerable Lindy, Venerable Khadro and Elly of Every Body Dances. I encourage you to check out these incredible humans.

what is the rsi method?

Release Physically

Release Physically

The body knows what the mind holds. That’s why physical movement is a critical practice toward releasing trapped emotions. Guided movement allows you to express without having to use words. You are encouraged to listen to the feedback your body gives you in order to move how you feel like moving that day. This practice keeps you healthy, strengthens your mind-body connection, teaches you how to speak your truth and awakens more curiosity and wonder in your life.

Support Emotionally

Support Emotionally

Emotions that aren’t dealt with safely may become stored in your unconscious, and may even affect yourself physically. This is a safe space where you practice leaning into and celebrating discomfort, resistance, vulnerability, anger, anxiety, frustration, sadness, and awkwardness. This is your space to show up exactly as you are — no need to pretend, hide or bury. Learn to love yourself completely — including the messy parts. See that you are not alone in your messiness by witnessing others.

Inspire Humanity

Inspire Humanity

The RSI Method honors and bows to the lineage of teachers that came before us. We also end in deep gratitude for your commitment to prioritizing yourself and for choosing to create a positive relationship to your body and the physical world. Begin to cultivate compassion toward yourself and others by dedicating these teachings to all beings everywhere with no exception. The moment you walk off of your practice space, your attitude will be changed and the best part — you begin to inspire others to do the same.

When you surrender to this method with curiosity and wonder, you begin to unlock the wisdom, potential and strength that are already within you.

wanna practice the rsi method together?

Live Classes

Share your energy or take some energy from all of us in the Zoom room.



I know you’re busy, my love. Do this on your own time.



Practices designed and catered to your needs and your schedule.


FINALLY, a space where you don't have to pretend to have your sh** together all the time

Permission to come exactly as you are. Nothing to hide. Nothing to prove. Free to be you in your humanness.

other ways to work + practice together









 The RSI Method was birthed from Steph’s heart and she wishes it to free the magic within yours. Follow what feels right and good in your body. That's where the truth is.  

Sometimes The RSI Method may make you aware of physical or emotional sensations in your body. You are responsible for your physical and psychological wellbeing and for practicing within the boundaries of your own physical, mental and emotional limits.

The RSI Method is NOT a substitute for professional mental health advice.

Stephanie Strauss is not a doctor or mental health professional.

The RSI Method contains the opinions and ideas of Stephanie Strauss. It is intended to provide helpful and informative practices on the subjects addressed.

If you or someone you know may be in crisis or needs immediate assistance text MHFA to 741741 or dial 988 to reach a crisis counselor anonymously 24 hours/day, 7 days/week.


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